Legal assistance and advice on Italian Administrative Law
The Firm provides legal support and advice to private individuals (aspiring entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs), associations, companies, public administrations and other professionals in the field of administrative law or matters relating to the set of national and European Union rules on (i) the activity and internal organization of Public Authorities (PA) and (ii) the relations between PA and private individuals, especially regarding economic and entrepreneurial activities and real estate.
In particular, the Firm offers legal support and advice to public and private individuals – mainly large companies, SMEs and local authorities – in civil, corporate and administrative litigation, but also and in particular in extra-judicial settings on issues relating to:
- silence or delay of the Italian Public Authorities in adopting administrative measures and in the compensation of damages caused by the unlawful conduct of the entities;
- access to acts and regulations on transparency within Italian public authorities;
- administrative internal review procedures and in particular annulment of administrative acts;
- public contracts and public concessions for works, services and goods. For instance, the Firm assists local authorities and – individual or combined – companies in relation to the public contract award and performance stage, including in the event of a legal dispute. The Firm also provides legal support in proceedings before the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC);
- services of general economic interests – such as waste and public green areas; water services (aqueduct, sewerage and water purification); electricity and gas distribution, district heating and management of municipal car parks – and local or State government- owned companies. In this sector, the Firm also offers legal aid in the management of the relations with the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Grids and Environment (ARERA) and in the procedures it manages;
- town planning and building law, in which the Firm, for example, offers legal support and consultancy in relation to:
- real estate development projects;
- procedures for drafting, adoption and approval of general and detailed urban plans;
- regeneration and recovery of disused buildings and areas of public and/or private property;
- public housing and social housing projects;
- procedures for the transfer to private individuals of real estate owned by Municipalities and other public bodies (click here for the list of legal services offered by the Firm in the field of Real Estate Law);
- public goods owned by the State and other public sector entities. In particular, the Firm provides its legal support and consultancy services for obtaining and renewing (i) concessions for use of goods in the maritime state property (beaches, shorelines, lake shores and ports), and (ii) concessions for the occupation of public land or subsoil and for the crossing of roads, motorways and railways;
- expropriations and emergency occupations;
- Energy Law, in the field of which, for instance, the Firm offers legal aid and advice on procedures for the release of authorizations for construction and management of conventional and renewable energy plants (e.g. photovoltaic, wind, biomass, geothermal), but also procedures concerning mining rights for research and production of hydrocarbons (prospecting licences, exploration licences, production concessions). Furthermore, the Firm offers legal assistance in administrative procedures managed by Italian energy authorities (ARERA, the Energy Services Manager – GSE – and the Ministry for Economic Development;
- Environmental Law, practice in which the Firm provides services such as legal aid in environmental clean-up, authorizations for quarries, environmental impact assessments (EIAs), and various environmental authorizations, such as the Single Environmental Authorization (SIA), the Integrated Environmental Authorization (IEA) and wastewater authorizations;
- certified notice of commencement of activity (SCIA) and authorizations to carry out economic activities (e.g. commercial, industries, accommodation facilities, fuel distributors, social and welfare facilities and trade fairs);
- Art, Cultural Heritage and Landscape Law, regarding, for instance, (i) declarations of cultural interest for movable and immovable property, (ii) the issuing of landscape constraints on buildings or areas of significant public interest, and (iii) landscape authorizations;
- national and European Union calls for tenders and open competitions. In this sector, the Firm assists private individuals, associations, foundations, large companies, SMEs, start-ups and aspiring entrepreneurs, but also local authorities in the preparation of claims for the allocation of funding, facilitations, grants and subsidies and in managing the relevant administrative procedures;
- hygiene and health legislation, including procedures for the accreditation of health care facilities;
- Italian anti-mafia and anti-bribery law;
- arrangements, agreements and conventions between public and private entities. In particular, the Firm provides legal support to local authorities in relation to the preparation and execution of agreements for carrying out functions and public services in an associated form, including the establishment or dissolution of Unions of Municipalities and the withdrawal of individual entities from the same Unions. Furthermore, the local authorities are assisted in the internal reorganization of the administrative functions entrusted to them.