Published by Il Sole 24ore the “Handbook of construction law 2021” edited by Mr. Michele Rizzo

Published by Il Sole 24ore the “Handbook of construction law 2021” edited by Mr. Michele Rizzo

The “Handbook of construction law. The legislation for private buildings after the pandemic, between sustainability, digitalization and simplification” (Italian title: “Prontuario di edilizia. La normativa per l’edilizia privata dopo la pandemia, tra sostenibilità, digitalizzazione e semplificazione“) was published by Il Sole 24 Ore a few days ago and is available online on the e-commerce platform

Anti-Covid measures in force in Italy until April 30, 2021, after the last statutory provisions and the extension of the state of emergency

Anti-Covid measures in force in Italy until April 30, 2021, after the last statutory provisions and the extension of the state of emergency

(Last update: 8 February 2021) In the last couple of weeks, the Italian government has adopted new measures to contain the Covid-19 pandemic, introducing some significant innovations compared to the regulations previously in place. In this brief article we summarise the main features of the current emergency regulatory framework. Law Decree January 14, 2021, no.