The New Renewable Energy Consolidated Act: Key Innovations

The New Renewable Energy Consolidated Act: Key Innovations

With the Legislative Decree No. 190/2024, published in the Official Gazette on December 12, 2024, and effective as of December 30, the Italian Government has introduced a comprehensive reform of administrative procedures for renewable energy production, commonly referred to as the “Renewable Energy Consolidated Act”. The Decree was adopted under the authority granted by “delegation”

Michele Rizzo obtained a Master of Studies discussing a thesis in energy efficiency in the public sector

Michele Rizzo obtained a Master of Studies discussing a thesis in energy efficiency in the public sector

The founding partner of our law firm, Michele Rizzo, obtained a Master of Studies at the European Law and Governance School (ELGS), the international university school of the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) dedicated to the training of the youth and researchers of European public law. Michele achieved this academic goal by discussing a thesis